This survey is conducted by a group of five Aalto University students from the School of Business. We are interested in learning about career expectations and employers of interest from current technology students.
By answering the survey you’ll have a chance to win a 50€ gift card to S-Group, so please provide with your email in the end if you wish to participate. Your response is confidential, and the contact details will not be distributed or shared. We’ll contact the winners personally after the survey is closed mid-November.
Linkki kyselyyn:
By answering the survey you’ll have a chance to win a 50€ gift card to S-Group, so please provide with your email in the end if you wish to participate. Your response is confidential, and the contact details will not be distributed or shared. We’ll contact the winners personally after the survey is closed mid-November.
Linkki kyselyyn:
Vastauksia toivotaan 6.11. mennessä.
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